Endgame ARG Wiki

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Posted on 14 January 2015

In case there were any lingering doubts that Pinstripe and Wayland are cowardly murderers... I couldn't bear to post this, but recent events have forced my hand. Students, please share this far and wide. Let's expose these psychopaths and bring them to justice.



Murderers (GRAPHIC)


Pinstipe:Do I look like I'm fucking around?

If you knuckleheads are even 30 seconds late tonight, the whole thing goes to shit


Show a little restraint, it's all there

Half now, the other half when the job is done

That's where the band members exit the club, carrying their crap back out to their cars, vans, or whatever shithole mule they sputtered in on

Jake goes on at 9, off by 9:45 or 10, he should be loading gear into his bucket of bolts by 10:15 or 10:30. You are here no later than 9:30. Understood?

Hitman: Yeah man, no problem

Pin: Yeah, then what did I just say?

Hitman: 9:30!

Pin: Do the job right, that way you get another box of cupcakes, cupcakes

Cut forward: cheering

Hitman: Oh yeah that show was badass dude

Jake: Thanks guys, thanks a lot I really appreciate it

Hitman: Yeah, tell me man, where do I get a cool keyboard like that, maybe i start my own bad and I get all the pretty girls, huh

Jake: Uh, I just picked this up at a pawnshow, it's kinda a piece of shit

Whats your name beautiful..aww what the matter, you don't talk?

Cmon, can you just leave her alone?

hitman: Is that what you do, you leave her alone, and thats why she looks so lonely

Hitman to girl:Is that why your lonely baby, you lonely, you lonely?


