Endgame ARG Wiki

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Posted on 25 April 2015


As always for a Saturday, the answer you seek will require the knowledge of this past week...


Hint 1

यह पूर्णता की तलाश के     लिए मूर्ख है।
    बेहतर ज्ञान की तलाश करने के लिए।
नॉलेज खालीपन     के माध्यम से हासिल की है।
उसके     बाद ही आप आत्मज्ञान प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।
उसके बाद ही आप     मुक्त हो जाएगा।

You only need to translate one small bit of that. The rest doesn't matter, but something else in the image does.

Hint 2

Empty spaces , borders and punctuaction will help find the solution here 


First, translating the sanskrit leads to the following:

यह पूर्णता की तलाश के लिए मूर्ख है। बेहतर ज्ञान की तलाश करने के लिए। नॉलेज खालीपन के माध्यम से हासिल की है। उसके बाद ही आप आत्मज्ञान प्राप्त कर सकते हैं। उसके बाद ही आप मुक्त हो जाएगा। १३२४५

“It is unwise to seek perfection. Better to seek knowledge. Knowledge is achieved through emptiness. Only then can you achieve enlightenment. Then you will be free.” 13245

This leads you to believe that the emptiness, or white space, might be the key to solving the Challenge.

The numbers at the bottom indicate the order of the week’s answers, but where to put them?

Looking closely, you notice a faint border around the sanskrit. It is 5 rows of 16, so you try fitting the answers into a 5x16 grid in the order given in the challenge text:






This doesn’t fill in the rows, so you try adding spaces and punctuation:

would you kindly

devil’s breath


omicron spore


This seems to work, so you overlay the answers over the Sanskrit text, lining up with the rows and columns indicated by the border (like a Grille Cipher). Looking at just the letters that show up in the out-of-place empty spaces from the hint (not after the ends of sentences), you get the following:


So there’s your ONE and ONLY answer: LUDOVICO (A fictional mind control method)



Leads to the image in She's Not a Fan
